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Included in the cost of your Care Package
During your Initial Consultation, we will discuss your current health concerns, personal and family medical history, diet, lifestyle, and wellness goals. Your Practitioner will work with you to devise an individualised treatment protocol which may include sacred plant formulas, herbal blends, nutritional supplementation, dietary and lifestyle suggestions. This approach aims to address your current symptoms, while also considering strategies to address the underlying causes of your health concerns and achieving long-term health and vitality.

Consultations generally take place from the comfort of your own home or office via telephone, however face to face meetings may be possible, depending on your location. To book your Initial Assessment, please complete our online Intake Form and our admin team will be in touch to book your appointment.


Your Initial Care Package includes 1 x Follow Up Appointment.
Future appointments - 15mins $30 / 30mins $50 / 45mins $80
Follow up consultations are necessary to assess how your treatment is progressing and ensure you are getting the desired results. Your treatment protocol is dynamic and may need to be adjusted as your health and wellbeing changes. These appointments provide the opportunity to ask questions, discuss dosages or potential side effects, adjust your treatment protocol and update scripts if necessary.

Longer appointments may be utilised to delve more deeply into the underlying causes of your symptoms. Diet and lifestyle factors have a huge impact on your health, and we are here to guide and support you with the implementation of long-term strategies to ensure your health and wellbeing are maximised.

The frequency of these appointments is dependent on your individual needs and requirements for ongoing treatment and support. Every healing journey is unique. While some conditions may not require close monitoring, others may need more regular check-ups. Your practitioner will discuss a timeline with you at your Initial Consultation; however, you are in control and the final decision is up to you. Ultimately, we hope you’ll only be checking in with us every 6-12 months, to keep your health on track.


These are charged separately. Our formulas start at $60 for 25ml and our protocols generally include a daytime, an afternoon, and a night-time formula. All costs and rationale will be discussed during your consultation to ensure you are in agreeance before we proceed. Rest assured, we will only use what is necessary to get a result.


If you are experiencing serious financial, medical, or other personal problems, please speak to us about applying for a payment plan to pay in instalments.


Cancellations are to be received within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment time. To cancel an appointment please contact your assigned practitioner directly. If they do not answer or you are calling after hours please leave us a message with your name, phone number, and appointment time.

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